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I am a 40ish girl who absolutely loves her life! I am blessed beyond all imagination - that doesn't mean times are always easy - but they are always do-able! My husband is so stinking cute!!!...and my kids are the greatest, I really like them a lot! We run our Century ranch together as a family, we put up our own hay, raise hereford/angus cross cattle, and do all the ranch work together as a family, with the help of "Papa", and our friendly neighbors. I love being a homemaker, helper, friend, mother, wife, coffee drinker, and stall mucker! Sometimes though - things happen around here that "I didn't sign up for"! Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not......

Saturday, February 27, 2010

little bit of this.....little bit of that.....

ugh....been sick lately - migraine and other troubles....this momma is not used to be down so it's been pretty rough.

Good news though - babies are dropping all over the place.  The heifers are starting to calve now so it's time for all of those fun nightime checks! lol - really it's not so bad, it's pretty peaceful when you're able to get up at midnight and three am and sneak the truck out to look at the momma's.  We haven't had any problems yet, which is such a great thing.  Shannon bought some really awesome heifer bulls last year and it looks like they did their jobs well!
Basketball is over now, so it's time to work, work, work, with the 4-H steers.  The kids are pretty excited about their picks this year.  I think Colten Ben's is going to be a really good one.  Our judge is Jeannie Yardly from the mid-west.  She came out last year and did a really good job for us.  I know it's a while away - September - but fair time is always the Best time of year!


  1. ick! Migrains are NO fun! Ditto on what small farm girl said! We've been driving around Oregon and Washington checking out all the new calves. They won't start calving in our country for a few more weeks. You guys are way ahead of us! The in-laws did find a surprise calf yesterday...guess from when the neighbors bull came visiting last summer.
