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I am a 40ish girl who absolutely loves her life! I am blessed beyond all imagination - that doesn't mean times are always easy - but they are always do-able! My husband is so stinking cute!!!...and my kids are the greatest, I really like them a lot! We run our Century ranch together as a family, we put up our own hay, raise hereford/angus cross cattle, and do all the ranch work together as a family, with the help of "Papa", and our friendly neighbors. I love being a homemaker, helper, friend, mother, wife, coffee drinker, and stall mucker! Sometimes though - things happen around here that "I didn't sign up for"! Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not......

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Peace, Love, and Football....(and wet dogs)

Once again, busy busy busy....not complaining, mind you, but life here on the ranch has been pretty darn hectic.  My boyfriend (aka husband) is the assistant coach of our football team, and I think I've said before, our two oldest boys play on the team, and our youngest, Lizzie, is the stat needless to say, we're on the go a lot right now.  I like it though, because the fall is pretty much our only slow time at the ranch.  So the football and volleyball games are sort of mini vacations for us!  Our closest game is an hour and a half drive from us, the farthest is about 5 hours from here!  AND...we're going into the championships, so we'll probably travel farther than that!  Have I mentioned that I do love this though!?!  lol

Fall is finally here though and I'm loving this weather.  It stayed warm a lot longer than usual, so finally the leaves are falling and the nights are cool.  However, fall weather means some moisture, some moisture means WET DOGS!  ugh.....I sooo wish I had a mud room that we could lock them in at night, instead of my house!  oh well, such is life.....

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