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I am a 40ish girl who absolutely loves her life! I am blessed beyond all imagination - that doesn't mean times are always easy - but they are always do-able! My husband is so stinking cute!!!...and my kids are the greatest, I really like them a lot! We run our Century ranch together as a family, we put up our own hay, raise hereford/angus cross cattle, and do all the ranch work together as a family, with the help of "Papa", and our friendly neighbors. I love being a homemaker, helper, friend, mother, wife, coffee drinker, and stall mucker! Sometimes though - things happen around here that "I didn't sign up for"! Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not......

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, Monday.....

What is it with Mondays....for some reason we seem to dread the day rather than celebrate the day.  I think we should turn things around and start getting excited for Mondays!  Sound Good?  Are ya starting to feel it? hhmmm, maybe not.
Well, we could start with the anticipation of Friday.....that might work.
See, I knew I shouldn't blog while on narcotics.  Yes, I have a legitimate prescription.  Hurt my back so I was prescribed some muscle relaxers.  "do not mix with alcohol" that put that on their to "tempt" us?  "I wonder what would happen if I did have a glass of wine?".... to me it's sorta like telling your child "you better wait a half hour before swimming now that you've eaten that lunch"...weren't you tempted as a kid to see exactally WHAT would happen if you DID jump into that pool?  I know I was.... I'd get in the water and wait.....and nothing.  Yep, nothing ever happened.  So, if I do decide to have a glass of "Ellen's Apple Wine", I wonder what might h...a...p...p....e....n....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.


  1. If you need more wine, I can ask the supplier!

  2. We love that you start thinking of Friday as soon as Monday morning hits. Hope the week goes by smoothly for you. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
