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I am a 40ish girl who absolutely loves her life! I am blessed beyond all imagination - that doesn't mean times are always easy - but they are always do-able! My husband is so stinking cute!!!...and my kids are the greatest, I really like them a lot! We run our Century ranch together as a family, we put up our own hay, raise hereford/angus cross cattle, and do all the ranch work together as a family, with the help of "Papa", and our friendly neighbors. I love being a homemaker, helper, friend, mother, wife, coffee drinker, and stall mucker! Sometimes though - things happen around here that "I didn't sign up for"! Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not......

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day One

Well, am I ever excited! I am now an official "Blogger"! Woo I just need to figure out what a blogger really is? Does being a blogger make me more interesting? Probably not. Does being a blogger, mean that I have something to share with the world (that they absolutely need to hear)? Probably not.

What I think this means is, I've been given an outlet, somewhere to put my random (and often miscombobled (is that a real word)) thoughts! Some people say I'm funny, others say I'm weird. I don't really care, what I care about is having fun, making people smile, and sharing my life! It's not the most glamorous life there is, there are days when I wonder, "why in the world did I put makeup on just to go out here and pull a calf".....(but I did look damn good to that calf)....but it is a good life...not one that I figured I'd be in at this time in my life....but, again, it's a great life!

1 comment:

  1. "why in the world did I put makeup on just to go out here and pull a calf".....(but I did look damn good to that calf)....but it is a good life..

    I ask my wife this same question often, your answer is much clever than hers
